
Monday, March 9, 2020

Book Review: The Bear by Andrew Krivak

Krivak, Andrew. 2020. The Bear. New York, NY: Bellevue Literary Press. ISBN: 978-1942658702. $16.99 USD. 244 pages.

Set in an unknown future where only two people still exist, this slim gem of a book, marketed as a fable for adults, is yet reminiscent of humanity's early beginnings in the distant past, and describes the skills and behaviors that would have been necessary to survive and thrive in a harsh and often unforgiving environment. 

Some graphic hunting images may not be to everyone's taste, but I underlined passages in my advanced copy as a reminder to revisit the poignant prose that resonated with me, such as:

"We all go to sleep and will be asleep for a long time. 
Be hungry for what you have yet to do while you're awake."

The Bear is a short novel, but leaves the impact of a much longer story, and touches on themes of family, the environment, the struggle for survival, and the need for harmony with nature. I enjoyed meeting the Bear, the Puma, and the fierce unnamed female narrator who was stronger than I could ever imagine.

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